Welcome to the 209 Doodles!
We’re located in the Central Valley, and we make it our commitment to raise healthy, happy dogs. Here at the 209 Doodles, we have two breeds: standard poodles and teddy bear goldendoodles. Goldendoodles are crosses between purebred poodles and purebred golden retrievers. All of our parent dogs have been DNA tested, and our puppies are raised with love and receive age-appropriate vaccines, dewormers, and wellness exams to ensure they begin their lives with the best of care.
Our current litter is an adorable trio of teddy bear goldendoodles. They’re lively and fun-loving and looking to find their forever homes. If you think you’re the perfect match, please contact us. Our Instagram page is @the209Doodles.

What We Love About Goldendoodles
Goldendoodles are fun-loving, playful, and energetic. Not only do they love to run around, but they also love to play fetch and swim. They’re also very smart and highly trainable, so they can be taught other games and tricks, such as how to catch Frisbees, shake hands, or play dead. Because they’re gentle and friendly, they’re very good with kids and can keep them busy for hours. They might even try to play with guests, but because they’re so friendly, they do not make good guard dogs and are prone to separation anxiety if left alone for a long time. Despite this, we still love them because they’re such social butterflies.
A goldendoodle’s coat type varies from dog to dog because they’re part poodle and part golden retriever. Their coats can be wavy, straight, or curled. Some even inherit the tight curls from their poodle parents. The goldendoodles with tighter curls shed less and are therefore a good choice for people with dog allergies because dogs who shed less may give allergy-sufferers fewer symptoms.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a goldendoodle?
A goldendoodle is a cross between a poodle and a golden retriever. A goldendoodle’s generation name (F1, F1B, F2, and multigen) tells you their lineage and how much poodle or golden retriever they are.
Do goldendoodles make good family pets?
Yes! Goldendoodles are fun-loving, energetic, and intelligent. They can fetch, swim, and be taught tricks. They’re also very gentle and generally good with kids, making them good family pets.
What should I be aware of when it comes to goldendoodles?
Goldendoodles have the same needs as other dogs, so see Pet Care and Health for more information.
How should goldendoodles be groomed?
Brush their fur every few days to remove dirt and loose hairs. If your goldendoodle has a smoother coat, they’ll need to be brushed more often. When their fur grows long and shaggy, they’re due for a haircut. Don’t forget to have the hair removed from the inside of their ears! And for a finishing touch, file down their nails.
Why does 209 Doodles DNA test parent dogs?
All children, puppies included, inherit traits from both their parents. These traits can be good or bad. The bad ones can lead to increased risks of certain diseases and disorders, but being a carrier for such a trait won’t affect health. It’s only bad if your puppy inherits a bad combination, which puts them at high risk. Therefore, we DNA test the parent dogs so we can determine their traits and make sure we don’t breed two dogs who will produce high-risk puppies. DNA testing also tells us if the parent dogs are closely related.
What does F1, F1B, F2, and multigen mean?
F1, F1B, F2, and multigen are all denote the dog’s generation. The F stands for “filial,” and the B stands for “backcross.” If a goldendoodle is F1, it means they’re a first generation cross. In other words, their parents are a purebreed poodle and a purebread goldendoodle. F1B means that their F1 parent was bred with a pure generation (a poodle in this case). F2 is a cross between two F1 goldendoodles. Multigen is the progeny after the F2 generation.